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Prayer Vase for Pope John Paul II

Commissioned by the Schoenstatt Community Campanario of Santiago, Chile and given to Pope John Paul II, for The Vatican Museum.
Hand built, with washes and glaze, fired to Cone 5.

(16”h x 16”w x 16”d)


Station of the Cross

Commissioned By the Church of the Holy Faith, Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2012. Permanent Installation.
Hand Built and carved, mounted on a wooden structure, fired to cone 5;
14 bar relieves, each 19"h x 14"w


Stations of the Cross

Acquired  by the San Francisco de Sales Church, Santiago, Chile, in 2003. Permanent installation.
Hand built and carved, with washes, fired to cone 10; mounted on a steel structure; 
14 clay relieves, 32” x 32” each.       

Stations of the Cross

Commissioned for Iglesia las Pataguas as a gift for Cardinal Juan Francisco Fresno, Park  Las Pataguas, Santiago, Chile, in 2005. Permanent Installation.
Hand built and carved, with washes, fired to cone 10, mounted-inlaid into steel structure;
14 clay relieves, 18” x 18” each.

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